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Enhance their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills.
young child playing
    At this age, children are meeting new challenges as fast as they come. Crawling, walking and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye.

    Music, stories, outdoor play, and learning simplicities envelop much of the day. Our caregivers are dedicated in helping each child develop these skills through a trusting and loving relationship.

    A parental daily report is given to update each family on meal times, nap times, toilet training and all activities accomplished each day.

    Classroom is set up with the following centers to allow for independent exploration and play:

    • Art -Blocks/Construction
    • Books/Quiet Area -Dramatic Play
    • Fine Motor/Manipulatives
    • Science/Sensory Table
    Area Goals and Objectives
    Language Development –
    Learn about communicating
    1. Develops receptive language
    2. Develops expressive language
    3. Participates in conversations
    4. Enjoys books and being show an awareness of pictures and print
    Cognitive Development –
    Learn about the world
    1. Sustains attention
    2. Understands how objects can be used
    3. Shows a beginning understanding of cause and effect
    4. Shows a beginning understanding that things can be grouped
    5. Engages in pretend play
    Social/Emotional Development –
    Learn about self and others
    1. Trusts are known, caring adults
    2. Regulates own behavior
    3. Manages own feelings
    4. Responds to others’ feelings with growing empathy
    5. Plays with other children
    6. Learns to be a member of a group
    7. Uses personal care skills
    Physical Development –
    Learn about moving
    1. Demonstrates basic gross motor skills
    2. Demonstrates basic fine motor skills